Saturday, October 22, 2022

Charles Richard Brownell

 This week I'm writing about Charles Richard Brownell. Charles was the older brother of Eva Brownell Pulsipher, grandmother to Carl Strand, mother of Mary Pulsipher Strand. He would be Carl Strand's grand uncle.

Charles Richard Brownell was born February 25, 1840 in Allegan, Michigan. He was the oldest of 6 siblings. Eva was the youngest of the 6. She was also the only surviving sister. 2 other sisters passed away, one at age 2, and one at age 4. There were also 2 brothers but I haven't been able to find much on them. One may or may not have gone to Canada. The other brother stayed in Allegan and married 3 times. He had a child that died in infancy with his first wife and no children with his other 2 wives. Only Charles and Eva had any children, that I know of, who lived to adulthood.

In 1863 Charles married Clarissa Moon. They had 3 children, 1 girl and 2 boys.  The daughter died at the age of 2, and the youngest son died at 1 year of age. Only son Charles Horace Brownell lived to adulthood. Clarissa died and Charles married Fidelia Spencer. They had no children together. All of this is a long way of saying that children surviving to adulthood was not common in this family. Eva's oldest 2 children were girls, and the oldest died of pneumonia when she was only 23 years old. Carl's mother, Mary was the oldest and one of the few surviving girls in the family. My guess is that this resulted in a special relationship with her uncle Charles. Charles R. Brownell is the uncle who gave Mary and William what is now known at the Strand family farm. The farm was a gift from Charles to his niece, Mary. I wondered why Charles would do such a thing, but as I looked over the family and saw the large number of children, and specifically girls, not surviving childhood it became clearer that Mary was probably the closest thing Charles had to a daughter of his own. But, how was Charles able to afford such a gift? That's where the rest of the story comes in.

Charles became involved in the lumber business sometime in the 1860's. In the 1870 federal census he lists Lumber man as his occupation, $800 as  his personal worth, and $5000 as his real estate worth. Quite a sum of money for 1870. At some point in the 1860's and 1870's he begins going to Louisiana where he becomes involved in the lumber business down there. Specifically, in Morgan City, Louisiana. He starts a lumber mill with a partner. He becomes involved in civic affairs and is highly regarded in the community. When he passes away he is lauded in the local newspaper as a great citizen. 

Charles seems to have harbored some pretty liberal views for the times as he is mourned by both "white and coloured". Also, in another article on the Brownell family mentions how Charles R. thinks there should be a constitutional amendment allowing women to hold official positions as factory inspectors, be on school boards, etc. 

Charles's son, Charles Horace Brownell spends most of his time in New Orleans, but he also becomes involved in the lumber business. His son Charles Russell Brownell carries on in the family business in Louisiana. His son, Charles Russell Brownell, JR becomes a doctor and later serves as a popular mayor of Morgan City. I found this article which contains the pictures of all 4 Brownell men.

I wasn't surprised to find out that the Brownell men were involved in politics in Louisiana. Serving as mayor, and state representatives. As well as being business men they were civically minded, giving to local charities, helping others, and generally trying to make the world a better place. In 1971, Claire Brownell, a granddaughter of Charles Richard, donated a $1.5 million dollar carillon park to Morgan City, Louisiana. 

I've been able to trace this line of the Brownell family up to the 1960's. They still seem to be in the New Orleans area. I don't believe they're quite as prominent as they were back in the 20th century.

I don't know if Carl Strand ever knew of his Brownell relations but I think it's interesting that this line of the Brownell family was involved in civic affair and politics, just like Carl and Howard were. Maybe that's where the politics comes from, the Brownell side. This was definitely one of the more interesting branches of the family to study and find out more about.

Here are a couple of additional articles. One details the history of the Brownell lumber business in Morgan City, and the other is about the son, Charles Russell Brownell, Jr.


Saturday, October 1, 2022

Ray Bellingar Road Trip

 This week's theme for #52ancestors is #RoadTrip. Awhile back Ginger Strand shared with me transcriptions she made from Mildred Strand's post card collection. Many of the postcards were from her older brother, Raymond Bellingar (1895-1982) as he traveled around the country when he was younger. In 1912 he sent some postcards from his travels to Canada, looking for work. He was 17 years old at the time. In March of 1915 he set out again, this time traveling west. He was looking for work, and he also mentions finding "Uncle Judson". Uncle Judson must refer to his mother Elnora's younger brother, Judson. In 1904 Judson married his wife Mary Elizabeth in Columbia, Oregon. In looking for Judson, Ray can never remember where, exactly, Uncle Judson lives. Ray is also traveling with "Rex." I have no idea who, or what Rex is. A friend? A pet dog? Does anyone have any guesses?

Here are the transcribes, as transcribed by Ginger Strand.

"Kalamazoo River and Gull Street Bridge, Kalamazoo, Mich." (pm) Kalamazoo Mar 11, 1915 2 pm Dear Mother: Arrvd in Kalamazoo OK and am leaving on the 11:57. Will make good connections. Will get there on Sat. for ? 16.00 ? Good luck so far Your son Ray Got Rex OK too.

"Dearborn Street Depot, Chicago" (pm) Chicago IL Mar 11 5:30 pm Dear Mother: arrived here O.K. and will leave at 6:30 pm for St. Paul. Got here 4:00. Will try and rite from St. Paul. Love to all, Ray

"Hennepin Avenue, East from Sixth Street, Minneapolis, Minn." (pm) Milbank Mar 12 4:30 pm Friday Well we got in Minneapolis at 7:55 a.m. and got rite on the 8:00 to Milbank where I change for Wilmot. Will get there Sat. morning. Love from Ray

"E.S. Main Street Millbank, S.D." (pm) Milbank SD March 12 1915 4:30 pm Dear Mother: Am in Milbank S.D. Got so far O.K. am leaving for Wilmot at 5:20 pm, get there at 6:10 am. Sat. Will rite from there. Love to all, Ray


"Birdseye View of Wilmot, SD" (pm) Wilmot SD Mar 13 5 pm 1915 Dear mother and all, Well what do you think of my home to be? Am leaving for the farm this afternoon. Yours with lots of love, Ray

"Come to Wilmot While the Going's Good" (pm) Wilmot SD Mar 15 1 pm 1915 Dear Dad: See what it says on this card? Well take its meaning. The country is just great around here. The man I am going to owns the largest farm in these parts. Love to all from Ray

"The country around here is wild and mountainous." (pm) Wilmot SD Apr 19 1 pm 1915 Dear Mother: Am leaving for Mon. tonite, will rite along the line. How is everything? This leaves me in the best of health. Love to all, Ray

"Bird's eye view, Wilmot S.D." (pm) Wilmot SD Apr. 19 8 pm 1915 No. 1 Dear Mother: Am leaving for Three Forks Mon. Get out that old old Chi, Milwau, RR & St. Paul time table and you can follow me on the map. I presume I will be

"Bird's eye view, Wilmot S.D." (pm) Wilmot SD Apr. 19 8 pm 1915 No. 2 some time getting there. Am going by jumps and jerks. We are going to see the country. Will rite from different places when I can. I expressed our suit cases to Three Forks this afternoon. Will follow tonite. Love Ray.

"Main Street North, Summit, S.D." (pm) Summit SD Apr 20 7 pm 1915 Dear Mother: Arrived here O.K. and am still going. Am on the great divide now of So. Dak. between So & Nor Dakota. Big hills all around. How is everything? I am in the best of health. Love, Ray

"We work all day/ We're tired at night/ But friends like us/ Must try to write" Summit, SD Apr 20 7 pm 1915 My Dear Dad: Well I am on my way O.K. and if nothing happens I'll be in Butte, Mont. the last of the week. Am trying to see the country a little. Rex is still with me and we are both in the best of health. Yours, Ray

"A Bunch of Trail Cattle. In the Northwest." (pm) Miles City Mont. April 24 - 15 Dear Dad: Arrived in Miles City O.k. but had some time getting here. Will tell you the particulars when I get a chance to write a letter. We've only been 3 days coming, 6 divisions, U know what that means. Love, your Ray

"The Tetons" (pm) Roundup, MT. April 25, 10 am 1915 To Mildred Bellingar Sunday. Dear Sister: Well what do you think of this great nature? Am seeing lots of these. Will see Uncle Judson next week if nothing happens. Love from Ray

"C. M. & P.S. Depot, Roundup, Mont." (pm) Roundup, MT. April 25, 10 am 1915 Dear Dad: Well I am still on my way. Am headed for Seattle now. Wish I knew Uncle Judson add. but I think I can find him. This is the place where the C, M, & St. Paul get all their coal. Tell Ma to excuse me for not writing on that card but I rolled it up before I tho't. WIll rite later. With love to all, Ray

"Signal Butte near Miles City, Mont." (pm) Miles City, Mont. Apr 24 1915 Dear mother: Well here I am so far in Mont. am looking around for work but have got a little change under my belt yet. You can see these kind of rocks just as far as you can see. This place is a little larger than Allegan. Gee but it's great air here. Will write when I can. Love Ray

"Viaduct and Tunnel, Montana Canyon" (pm) Miles City & Butte Apr 26 1915 Dear Dad: Well we have just commenced to see the Rockies now, from now on to Seattle they are big Mts. Did you find the map? If you did you can follow me by the cards. Will rite every time I get a chance. Good bye. With love to all, Ray Wish you could see them.

"The Eagle Tunnel, Montana Canyon, Rocky Mts. Mont." (pm) Miles City, Mont. Apr 26 1915 Sunday nite at Harlowton Dear Mother: Got here O.K. and am leaving for these tunnels tonight. We just came in sight of snow on the Mts. at 4:00 p.m. today. Think I will see Uncle Judson next week but don't rite to him about it. Love + your Ray

"East Side Main Street Three Forks Mont" (pm) April 26, 6 am. Dear Mother: Well this is the town I shipped my suit cases to, but I ain't going to stay only till this afternoon. Am leaving for Butte, Mont. Gee but there is some pretty senery around here. How is everybody? Well good bye till next time. Love to all from Ray

"Mammoth Log Drive of 80,000,000 Feet, St. Joe River, Idaho" (pm) St. Marie S April 29 1915 9:30 am Dear Dad: Well I got out of that State Mont. into Idaho at 12:30 yesterday. I tho't we never would get out of that state. How is this for a log drive? We are only 60 miles from Spokane where John S. is. Will be 30 miles from there about noon. Love, Ray

"Fishing on the Shadowy St. Maries River, Idaho" (pm) St. Marie S April 29 1915 9:30 am Dear Mother: Well I got into this state OK. I have changed my mind, I am going to Portland, Ore. I have forgotten whether Uncle Judson is in Seattle or Portland + remember your saying he can go from Portland to the coast on the Columbia. But I think I can find him in either place. Will rite when I can. Yours with love to all, Ray

"Milwaukee Lumber Mill, St. Maries, Idaho" To Lynn Bellingar (pm) St. Marie S April 29 1915 9:30 am Dear Brother: Well what do you think of my trip? Rex and I was in this mill morning what do you think of the logs? Tell Helen + Mildred I said Hello. Love from brother, Ray

"Crossing the famous Kittitas Valley, Wash." (pm) Plummer & ? Apr 29 Walden, Wash. 4-29-15 Dear Mother: Well I am in Washington. Got into this state about 12:45. We will go through this valley tomorrow some time. Will rite when I can. Yours with love, Ray Gee but we are seeing some pretty scenery.

"Lake Keechelus, Cascade Mts., Wash." (pm) Plummer Apr 29 1915 Dear Dad: Well what do you think of this kind of country? I have changed my mind again. I am going to Seattle for I have got to thinking it over and it seems to me Uncle Judson is there. Wish you could only whisper in my ear. Well goodbye. With love to all, Ray

"C. M. & St. P RY. Bridge Across the Columbia River at Beverly Wash." (pm) South Cle Elum, Wash. May 3 2 pm 1915 Dear Mother: Well I am within a hundred miles of Seattle. Wish I knew if Uncle Judson was there or in Portland but if I don't find him in one place I will the other. Yours with love, Ray

"McCall's Peak, Cascade Mts., Wash." To Helen Bellingar (pm) South Cle Elum, Wash. Date indistinct but probably May 3, 1915 Dear Sister: Well what do you think of this? I will be in Seattle tomorrow morning. I have seen so much scenery I don't like only the very best. Love to all Ray

"See Washington First: Mt. Queets and the Elwha Basin, in the Olympic Range" (pm) Tacoma, Wash. May 3 1:30 pm 1915 Dear Mother: Well I am in Tacoma, the prettiest city on the map I believe. Am leaving for Portland tonight. Am seeing everything as I go to believe me. Wish you could see what I've seen. Well good by till later. Love your Ray

"The Battleship Oregon in the New Dry Dock at the Puget Sound Navy Yard, Washington" (pm) Portland, Oregon May 7 9:30 am 1915 Dear Mother and all: Well I arrived in Portland O.K. but can't find anything of Uncle Judson. Have looked in all the directories and every place else. Am trying to find work here. So as soon as you get this write me a short letter directed to Portland P.O. city. With love to all, Ray

Ray must've liked where he was and stayed awhile as Ginger notes that there is a 6 month gap with no postcards. The postcards pick up again in November 1915.

"Pocatello Hospital, Pocatello Idaho" (pm) Pocatello ID, Nov 18 1915 Thurs. 18 Dear Mother: Well I have got this far. Have been riding since 6:15 Tue. I will be in Salt Lake 1:15 today. Hope this finds everybody ok? Love to all from Ray.

"Ruby Castle, Utah" (pm) Nov. 18 1915 Utah Dear mother + all: Well I am in S[alt] L[ake]. O.K. This will be my road out. What do you think of it? Am only sending one card as I want to write so many but have got my pockets full to bring home. Love from Ray.

"Orchard Scene near Grand Junction, Colo." (pm) Grand Junction: Nov 19 1915 Fri. 19 '15 Hello folks: Well I've only got 102 miles left. Am shure glad believe me. This is about all you can all rite around this place. Acres + acres mostly cherrys. Love from Ray

"Las Animas Canon, Colo." To Mildred Bellingar (pm) Olathe Colo. Nov 22 2 pm 1915 Dear Sister: Well what do you think of this? Don't forget to rite. Add. Delta Colorado. Ray

And one last postcard from Ray in June 1916. On Dec. 25, 1916 Ray would marry his first wife, Elizabeth Hill in Fruita, Mesa, Colorado.

"The Portals, Canon of the Grand River, Colo." To Mildred Bellingar (pm) Olathe, Colo. June 8, 2 pm 1916 My dear sister: Read your welcome letters a few days ago + was shure glad to hear from you. I can see this scene nearly every day. Now don't wait for a letter from me but write again soon. With love, Ray

Reading the postcards you can sense Ray's delight in traveling and seeing the country. You can also sense his love for his family too. He sends postcards to his mother and father. He sends postcards just to his siblings. He's living his best life traveling the country before settling down. 

He later takes up residence again in Michigan, lives in Arizona for awhile, and eventually settled down in Hillsborough County, Florida by 1950 where he lived until he passed away at the age of 87 in December 1982.

Ray Bellinger working in Saskatchewan, Canada. 9th from right.


  This week the prompt is "surprising." There have been several surprises I've found out while researching my family history. ...