Saturday, May 18, 2024

Nicknames: How did Ulrika become Hilda?

 The prompt for this week is "nicknames." It made me think of my great, great grandmother Ulrika Johannesdotter Anderson. Her given name was Ulrika and that is what she is known by in all Swedish records found on her. She is also known as Ulrika in early documentation in America and in the Swedish Lutheran Church records kept in America. Sometime around 1910, though, she acquired the nickname "Hilda/Hulda." I have found records past 1910 referring to her as Hilda and there is one record that refers to her as Hulda. Why did this occur? Let's find out.

Ulrika was born March 24, 1840 to Johannes Pehrsson and Britta Carlsdotter. The name "Ulrika" means "wealthy ruler" and comes from Old High German. It's the feminized form of Ulric. Two queens in Sweden were named Ulrika and it was popular in literature in the 19th century. There were characters named Ulrika in "Ivanhoe" and "Count Robert of Paris." 

The record shows that Ulrika was the only name given to her. She had no second name given. She was simply called Ulrika. All of the records in Sweden, household examination, marriage, and passenger immigration lists, all list her name as Ulrika. Hilda or Hulda is never used with her. 

When she comes to America, the first U.S. Federal census she's recorded in, 1880, lists her name as "Eureka." To English ears, hearing the name Ulrika pronounced the Swedish way, it would sound very close to 'eureka" She and Carl had only been in the US 10 years by that point. It's also noted that neither she nor Carl could read or write in English. However, by the 1900 Federal census, she is listed under her proper name of Ulrika, even though it is spelled "Uhrick." The local Swedish Lutheran church lists her name as Ulrika. Again, no other name given.

The 1910 Federal census is where we find Ulrika listed as "Hilda." She and Carl can both read and write English at this point too. After 1910 we see Hilda used to refer to Ulrika in documents, especially in documents also referencing her oldest son, Frank, and youngest daughter, Selma. In the marriage records for both Frank and Selma, she is referred to as Hulda/Hilda Anderson. Interestingly, in the marriage record for Malvena, she is listed by her Swedish name, Ulrika. When Ulrika dies, her death certificate was filled out with information provided by oldest son, Frank. She is listed as Hilda Anderson. "Ulrika" is then listed next to that name in parentheses, almost as an afterthought. When Frank passes away, his mother's name is listed as Hilda. Daughter Selma also passes away soon after, and Hilda is listed as her mother's name. I haven't found Malvena's death certificate yet, but I have a feeling I'd find the name Ulrika listed. 

The name "Hilda" comes from the Old Norse word hildr, which was the name of a Valkyrie who carried fallen warriors to Valhalla. Hilda means "battle or battle woman." It's a name of strength. Since the name Hilda is never used in Swedish, it must've been a nickname given to her in America, but why? Was it to differentiate her from another Ulrika? Or perhaps it was given to her because of her personality? We know Ulrika was orphaned by the time she was 7, lost a child in Sweden, lost another child who was killed by a train in Michigan. With all the tragedies in her life, maybe her friends and family wanted to honor her? Or, maybe they just preferred it to Hilda and found it easier to pronounce than Ulrika? Her husband Carl was known as Charles after coming to America. Maybe Ulrika wanted a new name too? 

Carl and Ulrika marriage record

Carl and "Hilda" in 1910 census

Death Certificate for Ulrika Anderson, using nickname Hilda

Sunday, May 5, 2024


 The prompt for this week is "preserve". It can have many meanings, but the one my sister and I thought of is to preserve food. Canning. Before modern marvels like freezing vegetables and fruit immediately after being picked or being able to buy canned food at the local supermarket, our ancestors had to can and preserve their own food. Making preserves allowed them to be able to eat fruits, vegetables, and meat through the harsh, long winters. It also saved all the fresh fruit and veggies that couldn't be eaten at harvest time. Our ancestors were lucky as since they lived on farms they could grow, harvest, and can their own preserves. They didn't have to buy from a grocer. They had a ready supply of fresh food that people who lived in big cities didn't always have access to. 

I asked my dad if he remembered his own mother (Lois Ashley Thompson) canning, and he said she wasn't really into canning. He remembered her doing some canning, but not a lot. He remembered his grandmother Ashley (Emily Dobbratz Ashley) was very big into canning. When she passed away, he remembered cleaning out the cellar with many jars of fruit preserves. The Ashleys lived on a big farm and had lots of different crops. 

I also asked my mom if she remembered her mother canning preserves. Interestingly, she and my dad both remembered grandma Henrickson (Viola Strand Henrickson) making canned beef that tasted delicious. When Ray Henrickson would slaughter a steer, Viola would cut up the beef and can it. Later during the winter, Viola would make beef and gravy and mashed potatoes. She'd use the canned beef in the gravy. Poured over the mashed potatoes. Both my parents remembered this dish fondly. :)

Viola would also get help from her mother, Mildred Bellinger Strand. Mildred would come to Viola's kitchen and the two of them would can peaches and make strawberry preserves. They would be stored down in the cellar, which kept the items cool. I remember going down there with grandma one day in the cellar. It was one of the scariest places I'd been. lol. Very dark, and definitely cooler than the upstairs.

The only memory I have of preserving food is one summer I was visiting Ray and Viola and grandma was making homemade pickles. She told me she was using special cucumbers to pickle. I tasted one and decided it was much better than any pickle I had eaten up to that point from a jar. It was so crisp and tasty.

Mom remembered that Viola and Mildred would use wax over the preserves and the jars would make a popping sound when they were set. She also remembered them canning tomatoes. They would all be eaten during the winter months. Everything tasted good.

Do you have any memories of eating homemade canned food, or helping to can? Leave them down below in the comments, please. That's all for this week.


  This week the prompt is "surprising." There have been several surprises I've found out while researching my family history. ...