Saturday, April 30, 2022

Johan Jonasson

George S. Henrickson's parents were Johan Jonasson and Ingrid Christina Svensdotter Fahna. Ingrid's family has been pretty well researched. I knew absolutely nothing at all about Johan though. What little I knew was from what Ingrid's  family had written about him, which wasn't much. His name was also very common in Sweden so researching him in the records made it tough. I never could be certain if I had the right Johan. Also, I don't read old Swedish. That was a huge handicap right there.  Last December I hired a professional genealogist in Sweden to research Johan and his parents.  I contacted Annika Hostmad of to help. She researched Johan and both his parents and sent me the results last week. It's been fascinating reading. I'm still going through all the records, but here is what I have found so far. 

Johan Jonasson was born October 28, 1827 in Nackelyckor at Vegby Forsagard, Moheda Parish in Kronoberg County, Smaland province, Sweden. His father is listed as the Crofter Jonas Johansson and his mother is Maja Stina Danielsdotter. He was baptized November 1, 1827. His father is listed as a Crofter. This means his father rented a small farm with land and a house on it. To pay his rent, he would work so many days a year on the bigger estate. Instead of paying with money, he paid with labor. His mother worked as a maid on a farm before marrying his father. 

On July 29, 1846 the father Jonas died of a cold. This most likely left his family without a source of income. In 1847 we find Johan, the son, working as a farmhand in Ny och Sodra Kvarnen in Moheda. Sometime between 1848 to 1849 both Johan and his mother Maja are convicted of theft and sentenced to 12 or 17 days of bread and water. They both have public church duty. This means they had to publicly confess their sins before they could be forgiven. The records don't say what the theft was, but because the family and the area was so poor, my guess is it was probably food. Johan is without steady residency from about 1849 to 1855.

In May 1855 Johan marries Cajsa Johansdotter. Still in Moheda parish. It was the first marriage for both of them. Johan was 29 and Cajsa was 41. As far as I know, they had no children. They lived in a cottage without land from 1855 to 1872. During this time Johan acquired the nickname Styva Johan. "Styva" translates to "Stiff". It could describe either a physical or a personal characteristic. Physically it could  refer to stiff joints or a strong physique. Personality could refer to being good/capable, difficult, proud, arrogant, etc.  His father Jonas also had the same nickname. In the records for the late 1860's Johan is described as a drunkard. 

On April 10, 1872 his wife Cajsa dies. According to the household records, Ingrid Christina Svensdotter Fahna moved in the very next day.  She moved from Slatthog parish. Moheda is approximately 2.5 miles southeast from Slatthog parish. They're neighbors. Johan and Ingrid's first child, a daughter, is born June 13, 1873. Johan and Ingrid are married January 10, 1874. Two more children are born to Johan and Ingrid. George and Amanda, who both immigrated to America. The first daughter, also named Amanda, died in 1875. After both children left for America, Ingrid leaves Johan and cares for an older sister. Johan dies in 1903 at the age of 76 from heart disease. 

I'm still going through all the records Annika sent me. In Sweden, instead of an annual census, the Church kept Household Records for every parish. They would record who lived in the parish and various information. The priests would also make notes about people. Johan's family seems to have been penniless and very destitute at times. Life was hard. They were, however, vaccinated against small pox, and could read passages from the Bible. They also attended Communion. 

Next week I'll write up Johan's parents, Jonas and Maja Stina. 

Here is a picture of the Bell Tower outside the Moheda Church. It was built in 1665, I believe. 


  1. Styva could mean stubborn because dad sure was

    1. It probably could! I think since father and son both had the same nickname the trait probably runs in the family. lol.

  2. It probably does as I hear it all the time your just so stubborn you won't listen the Henrickson in you



  This week the prompt is "surprising." There have been several surprises I've found out while researching my family history. ...