Saturday, August 24, 2024

All Mixed Up: The Strange Tale of Lewis Bellinger's job

 The prompt for the upcoming week is "All Mixed Up." I found this strange news article about Lewis Bellinger and decided to write about it.

Lewis Bellinger, sometimes spelled "Louis" was born December 21, 1845 in Allegan, Michigan to Oliver and Margaret "Elmira" Jones. The family had recently moved from Ohio to Michigan to start a new life. He was the first child born in Michigan. Older brother, David, had been born in Ohio.

On August 11, 1862 David Bellinger enlisted in the Union Army to fight in the Civil War. Lewis was not quite 17 years old and not old enough to fight. After turning 18 years old, Lewis enlisted on February 25, 1864. He joined the Michigan 3rd Cavalry, which was organized in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After enlisting, the Michigan 3rd was based primarily in western Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana and they mustered out in San Antonio, Texas. Lewis was not injured and survived the war to come home and marry Martha Burdick. They raised 3 children, 1 son and 2 daughters. Lewis is listed as a farmer and laborer on Federal Census Records. He also briefly worked as a nightwatchman for Allegan County. There is where the strange tale comes in.

In May 1889 the man who had been working as the nightwatchman at Allegan County buildings left for another job. Some of the influential men in Allegan suggested a Union veteran, John Kelly, who had fallen on hard times be given the job. He had been injured during the war and had a large family to take care of. This man was very appreciative and began telling friends that the job would be his. People he knew were going to tell the County Treasurer to hire him for the job. However, a couple of those men did no such thing. Instead of recommending John Kelly for the job, they recommended Lewis Bellinger. Lewis was described as a good hard worker, a Veteran, and of good character. The County Treasurer, not knowing either man, went with the recommendation of Lewis Bellinger, and Lewis was hired as the nightwatchman for Allegan County. 

Needless to say, the friends of John Kelly who had put him forth for the job were not happy. They argued that while Lewis was a fine choice, he didn't "need" the job the way Kelly did. I tried to research this a bit more and I'm not sure if Lewis kept the job or not. It received several inches of press in the Allegan Gazette. 

Questions, comments about Lewis Bellinger?

How Lewis Bellinger fits into the family:

Lewis Bellinger, younger brother of David Bellinger
David Bellinger, father of Charles Bellinger
Charles Bellinger, father of Mildred Bellinger
Mildred Bellinger Strand, mother of Viola Strand Henrickson

Lewis is my 3rd great, granduncle. He passed away on April 16, 1924, of angina pectoris, aka coronary artery disease. He was 78 years old.

PS. One of the men advocating for John Kelly was a Colonel Mix. Colonel Mix was in the "Mix up" over the job. :)

Monday, August 5, 2024

Hjalmar Rudolph Anderson (1890-1970)

 This week we're looking at the life of Hjalmar Rudolph Anderson, husband to Selma Henrickson, and son in-law of George and Malvina Henrickson.

Hjalmar Rudolph Anderson was born February 4, 1890, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His father was Carl Johan Anderson, NOT to be confused with the Carl Johan Anderson who was Selma's grandfather. I told you Sweden liked to use the same names over and over. That's what makes researching Swedish ancestors so hard, everyone has the same 2 or 3 names! :) Carl was from Ostergotland in Sweden and arrived in 1881 at the age of 33, per church records. Hjalmar's mother was Vendla Maria Peterson. Interesting fact, she came from Slatthogg parish, Kronoberg, Sweden. The same parish that George Henrickson and his family came from. Vendla arrived in America in 1886 at the age of 23. On October 30, 1886, Vendla and Carl married and set up housekeeping in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Carl listed as working in furniture as his occupation. Vendla put down "shop" as her occupation.

Thier first son, Harry Rickard Anderson, was born May 10, 1887. Harry's birthday may give us a clue as to why Carl and Vendla wed so soon. Harry's birth was followed by Hjalmar's on February 4, 1890. Daughter Lillie Victoria was born December 4, 1895. Son Rugner Melvin Theodore was born December 29, 1897. Daughter Agda Regina was born July 31, 1899.

I have been unable to find the family in the 1900 Federal Census. I have searched independently for all the family members. No hits come up. The names may be spelled differently, and that's why no hits are coming up, or perhaps they just missed the census taker? Either way, life was not easy for Hjalmar's family. On April 9, 1900, both Vendla and youngest child Agda come under doctor's care. Vendla is suffering from consumption and General Marasmus. Consumption is known today as Tuberculosis. General Marasmus is severe malnutrition. One's body is not getting enough protein, calories, vitamins or minerals to survive. It is a wasting away. Baby Agda is also suffering from General Marasmus and Scrofula. Scrofula is an infection of the lymph nodes on the neck. It is usually associated with tuberculosis. It was also known once as the King's evil. Lesions and abscesses grow on the neck. They are painless but can grow quite big. It's accompanied by fever, chills, malaise and weight loss. This is 1900 and there are no antibiotics available. Tuberculosis seems to be the main cause of death. The immediate cause of death for both was General Marasmus. There was little the doctors could do for them. On May 8, 1900, Agda passed away. She was 10 months old. On May 15, Vendla passed away. She was only 36. Hjalmar was 10 years old. On Vendla's death certificate it was listed that Vendla was the parent of 7 children, of whom 4 were still alive. Agda had just passed away, so that means she and Carl had 2 other children pass away in infancy, or miscarried. 

In the 1910 Federal Census we find Hjalmar working and living at the Michigan Asylum for the Insane in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It was one of the largest employers in the area at the time. There is also a Lillie Anderson working there. She's 18. Hjalmar's sister, Lillie, would have been 15, but it wasn't uncommon for people to fib about their age to get jobs or get married. 

The next mention of Hjalmar is from June 1916. In a newspaper mention about the Swedish residents of Watson celebrating Midsummer. Hjalmar joined George Henrickson, William and Charles Sandahl in singing 2 Swedish songs. Hjalmar was 26 and Selma was 16. 

The 1920 Federal Census finds Hjalmar living and working on Nels Nelson's farm in Watson township as a Laborer. Helping Nels out with farm chores. 

On June 2, 1923, Hjalmar Anderson, farmer from Otsego, Michigan married Selma Henrickson, teacher from Allegan, Michigan. Hjalmar was 33 and Selma was 22. Selma's sister Eulalia and her cousin Russell Anderson (no relation to Hjalmar) were witnesses.

Their daughter, Arlene Eulalia, was born March 8, 1927. Son Victor Hjalmar was born August 11, 1930.

The 1930 Federal Census finds Hjalmar and Selma living in Allegan. Hjalmar's occupation is now a salesman in a hardware store. They don't have a radio.   

The 1940 Federal Census tells us that Hjalmar is still working in a hardware store as a salesman. He made $1000 a year. The house was rented, and 8th grade was the highest grade he attended. Selma had attended 1st year of college. An 8th grade education was pretty common in 1940. 

In 1942 Hjalmar registered for the draft. This tells us that Hjalmar was 5'7" tall, and weighed 150 pounds. He had blonde hair and blue eyes with a ruddy complexion. His employer is The Grange Store. Interestingly, for person who will always know your address, he put down Carl Henrickson, his brother in-law. I usually see a wife, mother, or immediate family member put down. Hjalmar must've felt pretty close to Carl to list him.

The 1950 Federal Census finds Hjalmar and Selma have moved to an apartment and Hjalmar is now working as an inspector for Blood Brothers Machine Co.

Hjalmar passed away April 21, 1970 at the age of 80. 

Earlier I said I couldn't find any mention of Hjalmar's family in the 1900 census. I "may" have found Hjalmar. In looking at Nels Nelson's family I researched him. In the 1900 census he and his wife Charlotte had a "John Anderson", born in Feb. 1890, in Michigan, living with them. The census was taken in June 1900. Could Hjalmar be "John"? Nels came to America from Sweden in 1881. The same year as Hjalmar's father. Maybe they immigrated together? Charlotte was also a Swedish immigrant. Perhaps when they said "Hjalmar" the census taker heard "John". Since Hjalmar lived with Nels and Charlotte later I think the odds are pretty good that the 10 year old boy boarding with Nels and Charlotte was Hjalmar. Especially with his mother dead. It would be difficult for his father to take care of the children. How Hjalmar got from Grand Rapids to Watson we'll probably never know, but it does speak to the kindness and generosity of Nels and Charlotte Nelson to take in Hjalmar. 

Hjalmar's older brother Harry married twice, divorced once. Worked for the railroad company and doesn't show up in any census records until 1940. He passed away in November 2, 1964 in Missouri. I don't think he had any children. 

Older sister Lillie is a mystery. I did find a Lillie Anderson, born in Oct. 1895, living as a boarder with a Swedish couple in Grand Rapids in 1900. Lillie was born in Dec. 1895 but maybe the birthday was recorded wrong. I've seen that before. With no other identifying information, whatever became of Lillie is an unknown mystery. 

Younger brother Rugner is found in the 1910 census living as a Boarder with another Swedish family. His World War I draft card lists his father as nearest relative. Carl is living in the Tuberculosis Sanitarium in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Carl will die in 1919, also of Tuberculosis. Rugner works as a Riveter. He describes himself as short, slender, with light hair and grey eyes. He also says his left hip is crippled and he wears crutches. On his WW II draft card, he gives his height at 5' and weight as 83 pounds. He also lists a hearing defect and says he is lame. He is employed at R.C. Allen calculator. After the 1920 census I cannot find anymore census entries for him. He IS listed in the Grand Rapids city directories. He seems to remain gainfully employed. I can't find any record of marriage or children for him. He passed away June 8, 1971. 

The death of Hjalmar's mother and sister dealt the family a major blow. Fortunately, the Swedish community seemed to come together to take the children in and give them a shot at a better life. Nels and Charlotte Nelson took Hjalmar in and gave him that chance at a better life. Hjalmar married, found employment, and raised 2 children. He was able to give his children a better life than he had. 

Thank goodness for the U.S. Lutheran Church keeping such good records. Without church records I could never have pieced together Hjalmar's family with his parents.


  This week the prompt is "surprising." There have been several surprises I've found out while researching my family history. ...