Saturday, August 24, 2024

All Mixed Up: The Strange Tale of Lewis Bellinger's job

 The prompt for the upcoming week is "All Mixed Up." I found this strange news article about Lewis Bellinger and decided to write about it.

Lewis Bellinger, sometimes spelled "Louis" was born December 21, 1845 in Allegan, Michigan to Oliver and Margaret "Elmira" Jones. The family had recently moved from Ohio to Michigan to start a new life. He was the first child born in Michigan. Older brother, David, had been born in Ohio.

On August 11, 1862 David Bellinger enlisted in the Union Army to fight in the Civil War. Lewis was not quite 17 years old and not old enough to fight. After turning 18 years old, Lewis enlisted on February 25, 1864. He joined the Michigan 3rd Cavalry, which was organized in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After enlisting, the Michigan 3rd was based primarily in western Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana and they mustered out in San Antonio, Texas. Lewis was not injured and survived the war to come home and marry Martha Burdick. They raised 3 children, 1 son and 2 daughters. Lewis is listed as a farmer and laborer on Federal Census Records. He also briefly worked as a nightwatchman for Allegan County. There is where the strange tale comes in.

In May 1889 the man who had been working as the nightwatchman at Allegan County buildings left for another job. Some of the influential men in Allegan suggested a Union veteran, John Kelly, who had fallen on hard times be given the job. He had been injured during the war and had a large family to take care of. This man was very appreciative and began telling friends that the job would be his. People he knew were going to tell the County Treasurer to hire him for the job. However, a couple of those men did no such thing. Instead of recommending John Kelly for the job, they recommended Lewis Bellinger. Lewis was described as a good hard worker, a Veteran, and of good character. The County Treasurer, not knowing either man, went with the recommendation of Lewis Bellinger, and Lewis was hired as the nightwatchman for Allegan County. 

Needless to say, the friends of John Kelly who had put him forth for the job were not happy. They argued that while Lewis was a fine choice, he didn't "need" the job the way Kelly did. I tried to research this a bit more and I'm not sure if Lewis kept the job or not. It received several inches of press in the Allegan Gazette. 

Questions, comments about Lewis Bellinger?

How Lewis Bellinger fits into the family:

Lewis Bellinger, younger brother of David Bellinger
David Bellinger, father of Charles Bellinger
Charles Bellinger, father of Mildred Bellinger
Mildred Bellinger Strand, mother of Viola Strand Henrickson

Lewis is my 3rd great, granduncle. He passed away on April 16, 1924, of angina pectoris, aka coronary artery disease. He was 78 years old.

PS. One of the men advocating for John Kelly was a Colonel Mix. Colonel Mix was in the "Mix up" over the job. :)


  1. My association with Linda Brophy resulted in you and Tina getting a start in the school system.
    I got my job at Knotts Berry Farm because Mrs Knott knew Janice

    1. It's all who you know. I know the Stockdale mentioned in the newspaper article was a judge. I'm sure that helped.

  2. Jeez! Talk about airing your dirty laundry in the news!



  This week the prompt is "surprising." There have been several surprises I've found out while researching my family history. ...